Sometimes we receive love from the most unexpected and unlikely places...

Till now, I have learned about the circle of love. Often we give love to certain people and that love comes back to us even if not through those same people.
sometimes in our lives we receive love through people but those aren't necessary the people that we give love back to.

People come into our life for three things.
1) A season 
2) A reason 
3) For a lifetime 
When we understand which one is we're able to reciprocate accordingly.
some people come into our life for a season. It's exciting,it's enthralling,it's incredible but that season has to move on. That season has a next phase,that season has an end point.Some people don't care for you when you are alone,they just care when they are alone.

Some people come into your life for a reason. To help you learn, to help you grow,to support you through your most difficult times.
Never forget the person who was there for you when no one else was. When they had every reason to not be there. When they could have used any excuse to not be in your life they chose to be right there next to you. They may be there to help you physically emotionally spiritually. They almost feel like they've been sent. And then you have friends that are there for a lifetime. They were sometimes hidden in  the cracks. They were sometimes not even recognized but they stood there by your side. 

These were the people that you often forget.
These were the people that you often missed.
These were the people who were busy loving you even when you were giving nothing to them.
Ask yourself,who in your life has played this role?
Who in your life has been there for a lifetime?
How can you show them that they matter to you?
How can you reach out to them to make sure you know that they care?
Ask yourself who has been there in your worst time?
Whose been there for you when no one else has?

Reach out to them,make sure that they know that you care.
Often we feel we care more about people than care for us. We're just looking at the wrong person.
